کلیدواژه Conditional Heteroscedasticity. (GARCH). Regulatory Technology / (1 مقاله)
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مجله:روند»زمستان 1396 - شماره 80 (6 صفحه - از 204 تا 209 )
کلیدواژه ها:usuryIslamic bankingMonetary policyAntivector auto regressive (var)fintechOutput VariancesGeneralized Auto RegressiveRegTechBanking TrendPublic Sector DebtImamiah FighEconomic Impact of CorruptionTax Theory: Central Bank IndependenceConditional Heteroscedasticity. (GARCH). Regulatory TechnologyRegulatory Compliance MarketGovernment Bonds and Corporate Debt SecuritiesMonetary Policy Instruments. Delayed Payment PenaltyFree Banking SystemCorruptioncorruption StrategiesOptimal TaxationTax Policy.
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