ملخص الجهاز:
Book Review Towards Understanding the Qur’an Translation of Mawdi'tdi’s Tafltim al-Qur’an By Zafar Ishaq Ansari.
An English translation exists, but clearly there was a need for a new translation, and that is what Zafar Ishaq Ansari attempts to provide in Ibwards Understanding the Qur’Zm, of which two volumes, covering the first six sitrahs of the Qur’an, have so far been published.
The translator has furnished complete documentation for the quotations in the original work, including all ahadith, and, while retaining and translating the highly useful subject index of the Urdu original, has added a glossary of terms, biographical notes, a bibliography, and a general index.
Unlike the Biographical Notes, the Glossary of Terms, found in each volume, is not meant to be cumulative.
Mustansir Mir Department of Near Eastern Studies University of Michigan, An. n Arbor Book Review Conversion to Islam Untouchables’ Strategy for Protest in India By Abdul Malik Mujahid.