کلمة المفتاح English as a Medium of Instruction / (1 مقالة)
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مؤلف : Bannister، Peter ؛
مجلة:Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics»Summer and Autumn 2024,Volume 15 - Nuber 2 ، عالمي (Ministry of Science/ISC (18 صفحة - من 55 إلی 72 )
الکلمات المفتاحية:Language Assessment LiteracyGenerative Artificial IntelligenceAcademic IntegrityEnglish as a Medium of InstructionOnline Higher Education
مجلة (عدد المقال) |
مجلة Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics 1 |
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الرتبة العلمية
- بین المللی (1 مقالة)