کلمة المفتاح WM components / (1 مقالة)
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Can Working Memory Be Trained through Learning an Additional Language? the effects of TPR versus PPP
مؤلف : Ranjbar، Maryam ؛ Shahnazari Dorcheh، Mohammad Taghi ؛ كاتب مسؤول : Dabaghi Varnosfadrani، Azizollah ؛
مجلة:Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning»Winter 2022 - Number 30 ، ب (Ministry of Science/ISC (16 صفحة - من 300 إلی 315 )
الکلمات المفتاحية:working memory (WM)presentation-practice-production (PPP)total physical response (TPR)WM componentsWM training
مجلة (عدد المقال) |
مجلة Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning 1 |
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الرتبة العلمية
- ب (1 مقالة)