keyword arguments for the existence of God / (2 Article)
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- Journal حکمت اسلامی 2
Writer : کرد فیروز جایی، یار علی ؛
Journal:حکمت اسلامی»پاییز 1393، سال اول - شماره 2 ISC (26 page(s) - From 9 to 34 )
Keywords:دکارتبرهان نفسسهرورديخداشناسينفس شناسيبراهين وجود خدااصل عليتarguments for the existence of Godprinciple of causalityargument from soulpsychologyDescartestheologyبرهاننفسخدانفـسمفهوم خدامفهوم
Journal:حکمت اسلامی»پاییز 1393، سال اول - شماره 2 ISC (6 page(s) - From 177 to 182 )
Keywords:reasonpsychologyDescartesIslamic philosophytheologyAppearanceintuitionphilosophical proofknowledge by presence rightmeaning of rightindependent rightsubordinate rightdesert Imam MahdiAbu Labidfixing timeabbreviated lettersBaha'ism bitrary perceptionsfactual perceptionsconfusion between reality and arbitrarinesslogical inferencetheology philosophyintuitive philosophical system argument from soularguments for the existence of Godprinciple of causalityImam MahdiAllama