keyword Entrepreneurial / (2 Article)
Writer : S.Neelakandan ؛ Dr. N. Sankara Gomathi ؛
Journal:PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt»May 2021, Volume 18 - Nomber 8 (9 page(s) - From 1879 to 1887 )
Keywords:EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurialwomwn entrepreneurs and economic empowerment
Writer : Mohan Alex Medayil ؛ Dr. R. S. Balakumar ؛
Journal:PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt»May 2021, Volume 18 - Nomber 10 (8 page(s) - From 289 to 296 )
Keywords:businessProcessOpportunitiesEntrepreneurialsystematical analysis