خلاصه ماشینی:
One of his works that received much praise in the Arabic-speaking world, his twenty-five-volume Kalimatseries, covered a wide array of selected narrations ranging from those of God Himself to the Ahl al-Bayt and the Twelve Imams, their companions, and previous prophets.
Unfortunately, much of the Anglosphere was deprived of Hasan Shi razi’s work until John Andrew Morrow, a full professor of foreign languages, produced the first “proper” selected translation from this vast compilation.
This framework is a result of the largely agreed upon tradition that memorizing forty narrations is extremely meritorious, an opinion for which they cite the supposed prophetic glad-tiding that “whoever memorizes and preserves forty hadith relating to religion, God will resurrect that person on the Day of Judgment as a jurist and religious scholar.
Delving into the work thematically, the vast majority of the narrations cited begin with “O son of Adam,” implying that the Almighty is addressing humanity and, more specifically, individual humans.