خلاصه ماشینی:
So far as we know, Babar's Memoir was rendered into Persian by Khan-i-Khanan 'Abdur-Rahim Khan during the reign of Akbar, and was presented to his imperial patron some time in November 1589 (13th Azur approximated to 24th November).
The note runs as follows: (View the image of this page) which in plain English means : " The transcription of this book, called Tuzuk Waqi'at-i-Babari by order of His Royal Highness Muhammad Humayun (maythe sun of his good fortune and glory be in the ascendant!) was, by the grace of God, completed on the last day of the month of jumadi-uth-Thani 937 A.
H. by the hand of His weak slave 'Ali, the scribe, may Allah forgive his sins t" I am indebted for a transcription of the above note to Mr. Chunni Lal, Curator, State Museum, Alwar.
The Alwar manuscript however is called Tuzuk Waqi' at-i-Ba. bari by 'Ali the scribe, a clumsy title in any case.