خلاصه ماشینی:
Seminars, Conferences, Addresses National Seminar on Development Journalism 19-21 Sha'biin 19-211413 I 11-13 February 1993 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia This seminar, organized by the Asian Institute for Development Communication in collaboration with the Asia Foundation, was attended by thirty journalists and media professionals from Malaysia.
Khairul Bashar (Executive Director, Aidcom) outlined the seminar's goal: to offer a forum for senior journalists and media executives to exchange views, identify issues, and recommend methodologies for training in development journalism.
The panel made the following points: development journalism should always portray changes that should be humanized; the process of adjust- ment with bureaucracy and social issues should be mirrored; and there seems to be a need to pay closer attention to what the people arc saying.
He pointed out the changing role of the electronic media from one of getting the message of the government through to the people to the current need of getting the feedback from the masses.