خلاصه ماشینی:
From the vantage points of geography, politics, and international relations, as well as sociology, law, and even epistemology, each author shares his or her view of globalization in action.
The fact remains that the very hypothesis of globalization has its detractors, and in their introduction, the editors fail to convince the critical reader of globalization's conceptual or empirical validity.
Youngs, in a short chapter on discourse in international relations, insightful· ly observes that globalization need not be "real" to have a serious social impact, not only in an academic sense but also in the empirical realm.
The level here, as with the majority of the book (the latter part of which is more closely concerned with case-studies), is mainly in the realm of theory.
Although Globalization is intended in large measure to link the pathways of scholars concerned with international political phenomena from within divergent paradigms, the chapters explicitly devoted to this effort may very well be the least effective.
However, the book also deals with theory reJating to interstate relations in the spirit of reconsideration, rather than rejection, subject to altered assumptions about the international order.
For those already well-versed in the globalization debate, from discourses as diverse as business strategy, literary criticism, and media studies, there is a generous amount of material that will help to further the independent development of existing perceptions.
The authors and editors of this book -- comprehend glcbalization as an-empirical-ferce and-as-a-eeneept-but arereluetaat toques- --tion the extent to which they believe in globalization in either sense.