خلاصه ماشینی:
"The Framework for Writing and Sending Articles : 1- An articles should be the writer's Scientific achievement, it should include psychological and organized structure in order to present the subject of the research and it must not have been published in other magazines.
2- The editional board is responsible for the acceptance of the articles, that means after the articles are judged and approved by the publication's scientific team, the writers will be informed about their articles' adequacy for publishing.
6-1)The articles must have a title, and abstract(a maximum of 10 lines), Key words (3 to 5 words), and introduction, the text, a conclusion, and abstract in English and a list of references at the end of the article according to the rules of presenting an article.
6-6)The order of ISBN on the article's content page, book, report and the other references are like the following: Articles: writer's name, publication's year, title, publication's name, period, number and number of pages."