کلیدواژه Asalat-u al-Wujud / (1 مقاله)
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مجله:پژوهشنامه حکمت و فلسفه اسلامی»تابستان 1390 - شماره 36 (10 صفحه - از 151 تا 160 )
کلیدواژه ها:Humanitiesrevelationreligious experiencemystical unveilingsinspirationSorushJavadi AmoliExistentialismAsalat-u al-Wujudthe precedence of existence over quidditynon-existencewitnessingwitnessthe Imamiyyeh school (the Shiite)the Sunnitedialoguereligionspeaceful co-existencethe principles of dialoguethe Qur’anthe Ikmal versethe occasion of revelationthe traditions of Ghadir Khummseminary schoolsthe management of sciencethe religious governmentMustafa International UniversityUniversityMustafa
مجله (تعداد مقاله) |
نشریه پژوهشنامه حکمت و فلسفه اسلامی 1 |