Low self-believe and feelings of worthlessness are the most common negative mental and emotional states in the elderly with diabetes, which can have several side effects. Therefore, the present study was to probe the effectiveness of group logo therapy on self-belief and feelings of worthlessness in the elderly with type II diabetes. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest and control group design. The statistical population included all the elderly with type II diabetes in Qazvin. Stratified sampling method was performed on all eligible individuals in the statistical population. The research tools were Azadi’s self-belief questionnaires and Schwartz’s value scale. Having completed the questionnaires, 80 people with the lowest score in each component (46 females and 34 males) were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups (23 women and 17 men in each group). The experimental group exposed to eight 90-minute Victor Frankel Logo therapy sessions. 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