گسترش شهرنشینی و افزایش مسائل اجتماعی در شهرها، که سلامت روانی، اجتماعی و به دنبال آن نشاط شهروندان را در معرض خطر قرار میدهد، لزوم توجه به وضعیت نشاط شهروندان را براساس شاخص های مناسب در این شهر مشخص میکند. در علم شهرسازی فراهمکردن فضایی که احساسات و عواطف مثبت را تقویت کند و امکان بروز احساسات و عواطف منفی را به حداقل برساند، ضروری است. بر این اساس، یکی از وظایف اساسی نهادهای اجتماعی و عمومی چون شهرداری و شورای شهر و به طور کلی نظام مدیریت شهری تلاش برای ایجاد فضایی شاد برای شهروندان در جامعه است. این پژوهش با هدف، تبیین معیارهای شهر شاد در شهر سلمانشهر صورت گرفته است. روش جمعآوری دادهها از طریق پرسشنامه و با حجم نمونه 400 عدد و تجزیه و تحلیل دادهها با استفاده از نرمافزار SPSS و در قالب تحلیلهای توصیفی و استنباطی انجام شده است. برای اولویتبندی مناطق از مدل تصمیمگیری چند معیاره تاپسیس و برای تعیین وزن شاخصها، از مدل تحلیل سلسلهمراتبی (AHP) و از نرمافزار Expert choice بهره گرفته شد. طبق نتایج آزمون کروسکال-والیس شاخصهای مورد بررسی در بین مناطق پنجگانه شهر سلمانشهر دارای تفاوت معنادار است. با توجه به رتبه کسبشده هر یک از مناطق توسط مدل تاپسیس، منطقه 5 با 0/8344 امتیاز نسبت به نواحی دیگر شهر دارای بالاترین رتبه و مناطق 1 و 4 با 0/7426 و 0/6352 امتیاز در رتبههای دوم و سوم قرار میگیرند و منطقه 3 با 0/3021 امتیاز رتبه چهارم و در نهایت منطقه 2 با 0/0771 امتیاز رتبه پنجم است.
The expansion of Urbanization and the rapid growth of metropolises, followed by modernist ideologies and fragmentation, have led cities to lose their liveliness and vitality. In the field of urban planning, creating a space that reinforces positive emotions and minimizes the expression of negative emotions is essential. Accordingly, one of the fundamental responsibilities of social and public institutions such as municipalities and city councils, and the urban management system as a whole, is to strive for the creation of a joyful space for citizens. This research aimed to articulate the criteria for a joyful city in urban planning within Salmanshahr. The data collection method was conducted through questionnaires, with a sample size of 400 respondents. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS software, employing both descriptive and inferential analyses. For prioritizing areas, the Topsis multi-criteria decision-making model was used, and for determining the weight of indices, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model, along with Expert Choice software, was utilized. According to the results of the Kruskal-Wallis test, the studied indices showed significant differences among the five districts of Salmanshahr. Based on the ranks obtained by the Topsis model, District 5 with a score of 0/8344 holds the highest rank compared to other city districts. Districts 1 and 4, with scores of 0/7426 and 0/6352, respectively, rank second and third, while District 3 with a score of 0/3021 holds the fourth rank. Finally, District 2 with a score of 0/0771 is ranked fifth. Extended Abstract Introduction Happiness and joy, as one of the most fundamental psychological needs of humans, have significant impacts on individuals' lives. While happiness has been defined and explained from various perspectives, it is universally recognized as an essential requirement for humanity. Nobody can claim to be exempt from the need for happiness. Through well-designed urban spaces, in addition to improving the quality of urban life, we can enhance positive emotions and reduce negative emotions, thereby promoting the interaction between individuals and their environment. In this regard, this research aimed to examine the extent of the influence of urban design dimensions (functional, visual, spatial layout, etc.) on enhancing the positive emotions and citizens' satisfaction. The study also proposed some strategies for increasing the happiness of residents in Salmanshahr. The purpose of creating modern cities has been to improve amenities and the quality of life for citizens. Unfortunately, despite the presence of massive towers and other urban developments, Salmanshahr has not been successful in achieving these goals. Therefore, the focus of this research was to investigate this issue. Hence, the objective of this research is to prioritize the five districts of Salmanshahr in Abbasabad County, Mazandaran Province, based on the status of the city's happiness indices.Methodology Salmanshahr is also known by the previous name of the MotelGhou: Salmanshahr is one of the cities of Mazandaran province in Iran. Salmanshahr, with a population of 9,656 people, is located 8 kilometers east of Abbasabad city and 5 kilometers west of Kalarabad city. This city is located in Abbasabad city and Salmanshahr district and its area is 750 hectares. The present study was descriptive-analytical and based on library research and field investigations, conducted through a questionnaire. Given the research topic, the target population of this study included all residents of Salmanshahr. According to the 2016 census, the population of Salmanshahr was 9,656 individuals. To gather data related to the case study, a survey method and questionnaire technique were employed. Due to the large size of the target population, a cluster sampling method (Cochran formula) was utilized to collect information. An appropriate sample size of around 384 individuals was estimated using the Cochran formula. Finally, to ensure more reliability, 400 questionnaires were distributed and included in the analysis. The sample members are selected randomly and proportionally from subgroups of the study population (Salman Shahr city). After collecting the desired questionnaires, the data is weighted using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Subsequently, the districts of Salmanshahr are ranked according to the indicators of city happiness using the TOPSIS method.Results and discussionAccording to the review of literature and theoretical foundations, the most important environmental variables that can influence on the happiness of citizens were identified. These variables are: visual beautification of the city, access and transportation, housing, life and vitality, sense of security, social interactions, territorialism and sense of belonging, green space and nature, environmental health, tourism spaces, play and sports spaces, income and employment. These variables are divided into five general dimensions, visual, physical, socio-cultural, environmental, urban and economic services and facilities. The average scores obtained from the questionnaire for each indicator in the sample population showed that the variables of accessibility and transportation, visual urban beautification, access to play and sports spaces, and income are not in a desirable state in the entire sample. The rest of the variables have average scores higher than the theoretical median of the data and are in a relatively favorable state. According to the results of Table (14), among the urban zones, in Zones Five and One, all dimensions have scores at a moderate and close-to-theoretical median level (3). In Zone Four, all dimensions except the physical-visual dimension are at a moderate level. In Zone Three, the socio-cultural and economic dimensions are at an appropriate level, and in Zone Two, only the socio-cultural dimension has a score higher than the theoretical median. In the overall sample, the physical-visual dimension and the urban services and facilities dimension do not have a score lower than the theoretical median in a desirable state. The Kruskal-Wallis test has been utilized to examine the differences in means among several statistical populations. The results obtained from Tables 20 and 21 indicated that the studied indicators among the five zones of Salmanshahr exhibited significant differences (p ConclusionAccording to the results of this section, in terms of the selected indicators of happy city, the level of research indicators in different areas is not the same. According to the ranking obtained by each of the regions by the TOPSIS model, region five has the highest compatibility with happy city, while region two has the lowest compatibility. In fact, 5 Tapsis region has the highest rank of 0.8344 compared to other regions of the city. Regions one and four are ranked second and third with TOPSIS scores of 0.6247 and 0.6358, respectively, and region three is in the next position with TOPSIS scores of 0.1203. Finally, region two with a score of 0.1770 is at the bottom of the ranking table of urban areas of Salmanshahr in terms of the realization of the indicators of the happy city. According to the presented materials, it can be stated in the final summary that in the studied statistical sample, strengthening access to green spaces and play and sports spaces, visual beautification of the city and improvement of the economic status of the citizens can provide the basis for creating mental and psychological peace of the citizens. In this case, they will be able to take steps in a more effective way in advancing the society towards development and progress. Considering the presented content, a final summary can be titled as follows: In the studied statistical sample, enhancing access to green spaces and play areas, visual urban beautification, and improving the economic status of citizens can provide the grounds for creating a sense of mental and emotional tranquility among residents. In this way, individuals will be better equipped to contribute more effectively to advancing society towards development and progress.FundingThere is no funding support.Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved the content of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work. Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.AcknowledgmentsWe are grateful to all the persons for scientific consulting in this paper.
Machine summary:
بر اين اساس ، يکي از وظايف اساسي نهادهاي اجتماعي و عمومي چون شهرداري و شوراي شهر و به طور کلي نظام مديريت شهري تلاش براي ايجاد فضايي شاد براي شهروندان در جامعه است .
طبق نتايج آزمون کروسکال -واليس شاخص هاي مورد بررسي در بين مناطق پنجگانه شهر سلمانشهر داراي تفاوت معنادار است .
براي مثال در فرهنگ اروپايي - امريکايي، شادي يک حالت مثبت روحي تلقي مي شود که مشروط به دستاوردهاي شخصي و به حداکثر رسـانـدن ويژگي هاي مثبت انساني است )٢٠١٨ ,Balogun ;٢٠١٢ ,Uchida and Ogihara ;١٩٩٥ ,Myers and Diener(.
٢. وزن دهي شاخص ها در پژوهش حاضر براي سطح بندي مناطق شهر سلمانشهر از نظر شاخص هاي شهر شاد از مدل تاپسيس استفاده شده است .
در نهايت منطقه دو با نمره ٠/١٧٧٠ در انتهاي جدول رتبه بندي مناطق شهري سلمانشهر از لحاظ تحقق پذيري شاخص هاي شهر شاد جا دارد.
)2010(, Walking towards a happy city, Journal of Transport Geography, 3)93(, 103078, https://doi.
)2010(, Walking towards a happy city, Journal of Transport Geography, 3)93(, 103078, https://doi.
Investigating the determining indicators of the concept of happiness in the design of urban hangouts in the area )case study: one area of Ardabil city(.
The mechanism for developing an Happiness Driven Smart City, Sustainable Cities and Society, 56)121(,103791, https://doi.
The mechanism for developing an Happiness Driven Smart City, Sustainable Cities and Society, 56)121(,103791, https://doi.
ارزيابي و اولويت بندي مناطق شهري بر اساس شاخص هاي شهرشاد (مطالعه موردي : سلمانشهر).