Machine summary:
IN THE KAABA Here in Thv house I stand.
Thou mak'st me one -With all within the depths and on the height.
Thv Universe encircling star and sun, Boundless domain o'erspreading day and night, Surrounds me; yet not this my heritage.
'Tis some dim spark where clouds of darkness roll, Some unknown symbol on an unseen page- A glimpse of Thee faith-flashed upon my soul !
From nothing I, from darkness came my light, Thy breath gave life-which is eternity!
So I, a being ever in Thy sight, Once having been shall never cease to be.
Say, am I but a dream in endless sleep ?
Dispel the dream, or let its veil be riven.
Show me within myself Hell's deepest deep, And in myself the highest height of Rea ven !
Thou art above them all, and my return From earth and hell and heaven is to Thee.
Wrapt in Thine own, my being still doth yearn To find in Thine its immortality, Of Thee, from Thee, and unto Thee I move In endless motion born of endless might.
Thy best is for me -Mercy, Grace and Love ; The fire of Hell shall burn with Heaven's own light ..
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