Journal (Article count) |
Journal PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt 2 |
Category (Article count) |
میان رشته ای 2 |
Language (Article count) |
English 2 |
Writer : Dindin Wahidin ؛ Hamidah ؛ I Ketut R. Sudiarditha ؛
Journal:PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt»May 2021, Volume 18 - Nomber 9 (9 page(s) - From 657 to 665 )
Keywords:Training and developmentQuality CommitmentPraiseworthy BehaviourWork AwarenessHuman Resources Development Agency
Writer : Gregorius Henu Basworo ؛ Hamidah ؛ Mukhtadi ؛
Journal:PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt»May 2021, Volume 18 - Nomber 9 (32 page(s) - From 693 to 724 )
Keywords:cultureGovernment Regulation (PP.) Number 50 Of 2011Visited Tourist DestinationsAnd Manufactured Products