Journal (Article count) |
Journal International Journal of Business and Development Studies 1 |
Journal Economic StudiesIJES 1 |
Journal International Economics Studies 1 |
Category (Article count) |
اقتصاد 3 |
Language (Article count) |
English 3 |
Ranking (Article count) |
Science-Research 2 |
ج 1 |
Writer : Roshan، Reza ؛
Journal:International Journal of Business and Development Studies»December 2022, Volume 14 - Number 2 ، ج (Ministry of Science/ISC (12 page(s) - From 45 to 56 )
Keywords:Macroeconomic VariablesARDL approachContainer tradingIranian Ports in the Persian Gulf
Writer : Radnia، Marjan ؛ Pahlavani، Mosayeb ؛ Shahiki Tash، Mohammad Nabi ؛ Roshan، Reza ؛
Journal:Economic StudiesIJES»Winter and Spring 2016, Volume 5 - Number 1 ، Science-Research (Ministry of Science/ISC (14 page(s) - From 65 to 78 )
Keywords:Asset-pricing theoryBehavioral parametersGeneral method of momentRecursive Utility
Writer : Roshan، Reza ؛ Pahlavani، Mosayeb ؛ Shahiki Tash، Mohammad Nabi ؛
Journal:International Economics Studies»Spring & Summer 2013, Volume 42 - Number 1 ، Science-Research (Ministry of Science/ISC (10 page(s) - From 47 to 56 )
Keywords:GMMConsumptionHabit FormationRisk AversionElasticity of Intertemporal SubstitutionIranDG