Journal (Article count) |
Journal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research 2 |
Category (Article count) |
علوم اجتماعی 2 |
Language (Article count) |
English 2 |
Writer : Shahizare، Sodabeh ؛ Fathi، Ali ؛
Journal:Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research»June 2016, Volume 4 - Issue 2 (6 page(s) - From 101 to 106 )
Keywords:cultural factorssocial factorsdepressionArdebilpersons with disabilitypersons with physical-motor disability,Beck Depression InventoryArdabilIranJournalPredictorDisability
Writer : Mirhaji Pashkeh، Mojgan ؛ Rezaei، Farideh ؛ Fathi، Ali ؛ Hokmi، Mohammad ؛ Rafezi، Zohreh ؛
Journal:Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research»June 2016, Volume 4 - Issue 2 (6 page(s) - From 134 to 139 )
Keywords:social supportstudentsSensation seekingAttitudes to Pre-marital RelationsIran