Journal (Article count) |
Journal Supply and Operations Management 1 |
Journal کلیة الآداب جامعة بغداد 1 |
Category (Article count) |
مدیریت 1 |
میان رشته ای 1 |
Language (Article count) |
English 2 |
Ranking (Article count) |
International 1 |
Corresponding Author : Ali، Hassan ؛ Writer : Shoaib، Muhammad ؛
Journal:Supply and Operations Management»February 2023, Volume 10 - Number 1 ، International (Ministry of Science (19 page(s) - From 57 to 75 )
Keywords:Literature ReviewGreen supply chain managementMetadata analysisGSCM practices and performancesDrivers and barriersMathematical techniques
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