Zaeri Amirani، Maryam/ 2 Article
Journal (Article count) |
Journal Religious Inquiries 2 |
Category (Article count) |
ادیان، مذاهب و عرفان 2 |
Language (Article count) |
English 2 |
Ranking (Article count) |
International 1 |
الف 1 |
Writer : Zaeri Amirani، Maryam ؛ Javadi، Mohsen ؛ Corresponding Author : Rahmati، Enshallah ؛
Journal:Religious Inquiries»Winter & Spring 2021 , Vluome 10 - Number 19 ، International (Ministry of Science/ISC (21 page(s) - From 55 to 75 )
Writer : Zaeri Amirani، Maryam ؛ Rahmati، Enshaallah ؛ Javadi، Mohsen ؛
Journal:Religious Inquiries»Summer & Autumn 2017, Volume 6 - Number 12 ، الف (Ministry of Science/ISC (20 page(s) - From 5 to 24 )
Keywords:Avicennamystical experienceintellects (archangels)celestial souls (heavenly angels)Active IntellectShThe Active Intellect
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