keyword Ghistas / (1 Article)
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Journal:مطالعات قرآن و حدیث»پاییز و زمستان 1390 - شماره 9 ، Science-Research (Ministry of Science/ISC (7 page(s) - From 216 to 222 )
Keywords:Communicationmethodologyallegorycreationsemanticsreality: the holy Quransemantic relationsinterpretationTabrasiMajma-ol-BayanetymologycontextThe Holy Quranpropagation methodQuranic propagationworld propagation methodsHasan b Salih b HayyBatriyyaZaydiyyahistory of Hadithauthorities and transmitters of HadithAdamVicegerencyteaching the divine names (of God)fallheavenGhayyumHayyIblisGhistasArabic lexical modelHoly QuranShiiteQuranicAdamQuran Studies
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Journal مطالعات قرآن و حدیث 1 |
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history of HadithZaydiyyafallThe Holy Qur'anallegorysemanticsheavenGhayyumcontextThe Holy QuraninterpretationTabrasiIblissemantic relationsrealityBatriyyacreationHayy
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- علمی-پژوهشی (1 Article)