keyword the authority in legislation God / (1 Article)
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Journal:تحقیقات کلامی»زمستان 1394 - شماره 11 ، ب (Hawza (7 page(s) - From 130 to 136 )
Keywords:causalitynecessityfree willprophetsImamSatanangels: wisdom for the existenceDeviltemptation ImamiyyahMu'tazelahsuperioritySharif al-Murtaza bada'mahw wa ethbat (efface and establish)destiny and faceDivine Knowledge determinismpreferer (murajjeh) tafwidh (cession)the right of legislationthe authority in legislation GodGod's attributemeaning of lifeImami theologiansMuThe Satan
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Journal تحقیقات کلامی 1 |
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