keyword welayate faqih. Imam Khomeini / (1 Article)
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Journal:پژوهش های انقلاب اسلامی»زمستان 1392 - شماره 7 ، Science-Research (Ministry of Science/ISC (17 page(s) - From 208 to 224 )
Keywords:DiscourseMethodIranIslamic Republic of IranIslamic AwakeningthreatKnowledgemethodologyreligious beliefsIslamic revolutionpolitical thoughtSoft powertheologystrengthe faqihWeaknessOpportunityFaqihIslamic Revolutioneconomy. Imam Khomeini (PBUH)Islamic nations. Products of western mediaUS foreign policyIranophobia. Political elitesfamous figurespolitical sociology of famous figuresto fallto rise. New IraqIslamic revolution. Function of religionFada'iane EslamNavvab Safaviassassination. Soft powerreligious teachingsarrogant shahsImam Khomeini (PBUH). Welayatruling of faqihcriticism of democracy. Welayatwelayate faqih. Imam Khomeini
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Journal پژوهش های انقلاب اسلامی 1 |
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- علمی-پژوهشی (1 Article)