افضلی، کتایون/ 18 Article
Category (Article count) |
ادبیات و زبانها 16 |
میان رشته ای 2 |
Language (Article count) |
English 17 |
Persian 1 |
Ranking (Article count) |
الف 6 |
ب 4 |
Science-Research 3 |
Corresponding Author : Bakhtiari، Bahare ؛ Writer : Afzali، Katayoon ؛
Journal:English for Academic Purposes»Winter 2023, Volume 12 - Number 1 ، ب (Ministry of Science/ISC (21 page(s) - From 43 to 63 )
Keywords:coping strategiesOnline EducationTeachers’ Stressors
Corresponding Author : Afzali، Katayoon ؛ Writer : Salehi، Sara ؛
Journal:Teaching English Language»Winter and Spring 2022, Volume 16 - Number 1 ، الف (Ministry of Science/ISC (26 page(s) - From 141 to 166 )
Keywords:Critical reflectionedmodoCollaborative ReflectionDiscoursal PatternsWriting Recall and Reflection Journals
Corresponding Author : Shareghi، Zahra ؛ Writer : Tahririan، Mohammad Hassan ؛ Afzali، Katayoon ؛
Journal:Teaching English as a Second Language Quarterly»Winter 2022, Volume 41 - Number 1 ، الف (Ministry of Science/ISC (41 page(s) - From 133 to 173 )
Keywords:ELT Education PolicyIranian High School EFL Teachers’ PerceptionsSuccessful English Teaching
Writer : Afzali، Katayoon ؛ Astaraki، Hadis ؛
Journal:Applied Research on English Language»November 2021, Volume 10 - Number 4 ، الف (Ministry of Science/ISC (23 page(s) - From 167 to 189 )
Keywords:conversation analysisCollaborative taskWillingness to participateMultimodal analysis
Corresponding Author : Atefi Boroujeni، Samira ؛ Writer : Tahririan، Mohammad Hassan ؛ Afzali، Katayoon ؛
Journal:Applied Linguistics and Applied Literature»Summer and Autumn 2021, Volume 9- Number 2 ، الف (Ministry of Science (25 page(s) - From 9 to 33 )
Keywords:Iranian EFL TeachersEnglish Teacher ImmunityImmunity DistributionImmunity TriggersTeacher Immunity Types
Corresponding Author : Ghadyani، Fariba ؛ Writer : Afzali، Katayoon ؛ Tahririan، Mohammad Hassan ؛
Journal:Issues in Language Teaching»December 2020, Volume 9 - Number 2 ، ب (Ministry of Science/ISC (32 page(s) - From 27 to 58 )
Keywords:grounded theorySecond language teachingmeasurement scaleKeywords: HopeEFL teaching
Corresponding Author : Afzali، Katayoon ؛ Writer : Koochehbaghi، Akram ؛
Journal:Journal of Language and Translation»Winter 2021, Volume 11 - Number 1 ، A+ (Azad University/ISC (10 page(s) - From 107 to 116 )
Keywords:Ideologytranslation strategiesOccidentalismPost-colonialismPostcolonial novels
Corresponding Author : افضلی، کتایون ؛ Writer : افشاری، هاله ؛
Journal:مطالعات زبان و ترجمه»تابستان 1399 - شماره 41 ، الف (Ministry of Science/ISC (21 page(s) - From 181 to 201 )
Keywords:رمان التقاطیهویت مترجمهویت ملیهویت مذهبیnational identityReligious identityHybrid novelsTranslator identity
Analysis of Iranian EFL Teachers’ Narrated Critical Incidents and their Productive Coping Strategies
Corresponding Author : Esmaeli، Saeedeh ؛ Writer : Afzali، Katayoon ؛
Journal:Journal of Modern Research in English Language Studies»Spring 2020, Volume 7 - Number 2 ، الف/ISC (27 page(s) - From 1 to 27 )
Keywords:Teacher EducationresilienceCritical incidentsProductive coping strategies
Writer : Afzali، Katayoon ؛ Madani، Atefeh ؛
Journal:Journal of Language and Translation»Autumn 2018, Volume 8 - Number 4 ، A (Azad University/ISC (10 page(s) - From 81 to 90 )
Keywords:Patient information leafletsmanipulation strategiesinstitutional rules