December 2023, Volume 8 - Number5(Special Issues)
Corresponding Author : Abbasi Shirsavar، Zeinab ؛ Writer : Kiani، Mehdi ؛
(14 page(s) - From 1 to 14 )
Keywords:Textbookvisionintercultural competencenew English file
Writer : Anari، Zahra ؛
(14 page(s) - From 15 to 28 )
Keywords:ARLOOPA appaugmented reality-based instructionvocabulary skill
Writer : Ansari، Mohammad Javad ؛
(10 page(s) - From 29 to 38 )
Keywords:PerceptionEnglish Language Teachinglanguage planningLanguage policy
Writer : Jamali، Amin ؛ Corresponding Author : Aref، Shamsoddin ؛
(15 page(s) - From 39 to 53 )
Keywords:EFLcovid-19LockdownICT skillpre-service teacher (PST)virtual pedagogical internship
Writer : Daneshi، Sogand Sadat ؛
(10 page(s) - From 54 to 63 )
Keywords:genderEFL Teachersburnoutcoping strategiesPost-pandemic
Writer : Gaeani، Maryam ؛ Soleimani، Hassan ؛
(19 page(s) - From 64 to 82 )
Keywords:blended learningReceptive vocabularyguided discovery
Writer : Moradian، Mahmood Reza ؛ Ramezanzadeh، Akram ؛ Corresponding Author : Ghaffari Doust، Fatemeh ؛
(12 page(s) - From 83 to 94 )
Keywords:AlignmentEFL Teachers’ attitudespostmodern approach to language assessment
Corresponding Author : Gheisari، Nouzar ؛ Writer : Yousofi، Nouroddin ؛ Chaghazardi، Fatemeh ؛
(17 page(s) - From 95 to 111 )
Keywords:In-service Teacherspre-service teachersPrescriptive ModelCollaborative ModelTeacher supervision
Corresponding Author : Ghorbani، Vahid ؛ Writer : Zarabi، Hamed ؛ Gharani، Nadia ؛ Abbaszadehbooket، Mina ؛
(15 page(s) - From 112 to 126 )
Keywords:Critical analysisTrainees(English) Teacher Training CoursesMissing LinksSecond Language Acquisition (SLA) theories
Writer : Moradi، Shahab ؛
(13 page(s) - From 127 to 139 )
Keywords:language learning attitudePerception of classroom climateAcademic IntegrityPost-Pandemic EducationMcCabe’s AI Questionnaire.
Corresponding Author : Nasseh، Azin ؛ Writer : Anani Sarab، Mohammad Reza ؛ Nourmohammadi، Esmaeel ؛ Nasseh، Mohammad Amin ؛
(18 page(s) - From 140 to 157 )
Keywords:Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)classroom communicationcommunicative orientation language teaching (COLT) observation schemetextbook activities
Corresponding Author : Nejati، Ebrahim ؛ Writer : Mohammadi، Mohammad ؛
(16 page(s) - From 158 to 173 )
Keywords:Willingness to Communicatemultiple intelligence tasktraditional task
The Effect of Reflective Teaching on Iranian EFL Students` Achievement in 2000-2019: A Meta-Analysis
Corresponding Author : Yaghoobi Hamgini، Azam ؛ Writer : Abedini، Farahnaz ؛
(13 page(s) - From 174 to 186 )
Keywords:reflective teachingmeta-analysiseffect sizeRandom model
Corresponding Author : Mohammadi، Reza ؛ Writer : Borna، Pourya ؛ Zoghi، Rashideh ؛
(11 page(s) - From 187 to 197 )